Every digital business lead I know is stretched too thin, which is not to say they’ve cornered the market on being overextended. But the relentless pursuit of digitization to make business more efficient, productive, and competitive has put digital teams in the hot...
Nick Elliott
Don’t Roll the Dice with Software Product Development
After 20 years developing digital solutions, I have concluded that companies are ill-served following the conventional software product development process. Bringing in a development team at the point of implementation is rolling the dice. Inevitably something is...
What a Workplace Should Be
These are my boys. They are a big reason why I co-founded this company. I wanted a job where I could do good work and be a good dad. Where the job was more than a paycheck. Don’t get me wrong. I expect a salary that reflects my value, but I have worked at places...
Guidelines for Agribusiness: App Development Costs
How often have you heard or thought “why does it cost so much to develop an app?” A better question may be, “what is the cost if we don’t develop one?” Agribusiness app development costs are not inconsequential, but digital apps and platforms are a centrifugal force...
AgTech: The Shortcomings of Big Data
In AgTech, big data means collecting everything. The temperature of the air as you plant, the moisture of the kernel as you harvest, the exact coordinate of each weed you find; it all gets absorbed into the digital cloud, analyzed, and processed. The end result is...
Beware of these 5 Pitfalls with System Integration Services
The riskiest problems are those you don’t know to expect, and system integration services are rife with pitfalls that pose risks for the unprepared or inexperienced IT team. To save you from making the kind of mistakes that can derail your systems integration, we’re...
Growth Through Adversity: What we Learned When Our Office Exploded
In the south-west Pacific Ocean sits Kavachi, an active undersea volcano named by the islanders for a local sea god. When dormant, Kavachi’s geothermal warmth nurtures an abundant sea life, from starfish to stingrays and sharks. Sea life apparently can detect deadly...