The Digital Frontlines Blog
Want to Realize the Value of Data Faster? Glean Insights from Existing Data
Every point along the agricultural supply chain stands to benefit from data. From farmers looking to increase their yields to equipment manufacturers looking to improve products, data is essential to gaining a competitive edge. Agribusinesses in particular have a...
Who Will Benefit from Ag Data’s Competitive Advantage?
Gone are the days when retailers could compete on selling seeds, equipment and crop protection products. In 2022, the competitive advantage will go to advisors who know how to help farmers benefit from their on-farm data. For farmers and advisors, data offers...
Why Software Projects Fail May Not Be What You Think
Software projects fail for a multitude of reasons, but the root cause is often an issue deemed so elementary that it’s easily overlooked. That’s until milestones are missed, schedules slide, and digital projects waiting in the pipeline have to be sidelined, at great...
Risks in Merging Drone and Satellite Data
Big Picture, Hidden Risks Who isn’t awed by the vivid clarity of drone imagery? With ultra-high resolution, multispectral imagery, you can spot an aphid on a soybean leaf well before those pests are well established. What drone imagery can’t do is provide a complete...
APIs: Ushering in a New Age of Complexity
APIs: “Anyone can build an app with these things!” Last week I was chatting with a friend about the sheer scope of apps available on every app store these days. When smartphones were still in their infancy, I remember someone making a mint on an app that made...
Custom Software? It’s the Way You Compete
If your business has any intention of remaining competitive, your organization must be able to adapt to rapidly moving markets. That used to mean paying for market and competitive intelligence from the same research companies your competitors used. Software has...