The Digital Frontlines Blog
Growth Through Adversity: What we Learned When Our Office Exploded
In the south-west Pacific Ocean sits Kavachi, an active undersea volcano named by the islanders for a local sea god. When dormant, Kavachi’s geothermal warmth nurtures an abundant sea life, from starfish to stingrays and sharks. Sea life apparently can detect deadly...
Narrowing the AgTech Culture Gap
As I wrote last time, I didn’t know much about farming when I got into AgTech. I did, however, know about technology and a bit about farmers. I grew up in a town of less than five hundred people who relied on the land and ocean to survive. I worked in the fields to...
What We Can Learn from AgTech
I didn’t expect to be a digital farmer. Like many people who grew up in a small town, I played a bit of Farm Simulator and read Little House on the Prairie, but that was the extent of my interest in agriculture. What fascinated me was the shiny new world unfolding...